Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Breakfast on the Go

In college I feel like almost every meal is "on the go."

If you can't make it to the dining center, there isn't much you can make in a dorm with only a fridge and a microwave.

For breakfast I like to swing by the dining center before going to the gym because of the "free" coffee shop. Lattes errrday! But after I get ready and before class, I get hungry and don't want to go to the dining center. A warmed up Clif bar is usually my go-to, but I tried a new recipe and I may have found my second go-to!

Overnight Protein Oats

When I hear overnight oats I think of multi-colored fruit flavored oatmeal in mason jars perfectly displayed on Pinterest. Mine is a little bit more real life than that. 


1 cup quick or old fashioned oats (whatever texture you prefer)
half scoop protein powder
about 1 cup milk

Mix together an put in fridge before bed!

I made up this recipe with just some general knowledge of what overnight oats are. I thought it tasted pretty good, but I think it would taste better without the protein powder and just some Truvia sprinkled on top. I know a lot of people like protein supplements, but it doesn't always agree with my tummy. So, I don't use it often. 

Some recipes I looked at called for yogurt. Greek yogurt would make it nice and creamy with plenty of protein, but I didn't have any so maybe next time. :)

I am linking up on The Fit Dish with hosts Jessica Joy from thefitswitch.com & Jill from jillconyers.com



  1. Hi Katelynn. Nice to meet you. Smoothies and overnight oats are my go to on the go breakfasts during the week. Thanks for sharing with the fitfam!

  2. I am so happy you linked up! You are a joy, seriously. I love your attitude about the pinterest overnight oats. LOL! It's so true, those things are ridic gorgeous, and sometimes, healthy food really isn't that pretty. LOL. Looking forward to getting to know you better. And, a warmed up Clif bar?! My kids are already thanking you. #fitfamlove

  3. Nice to meet you, Katelynn! As a rural MN girl, I'm excited to meet a running and blogging rural ND girl! Do you run the Fargo or Grand Forks races at all?

    This recipe sounds great. When I make overnight oats, I like to add bananas or sometimes a frozen fruit (raspberries, blueberries or strawberries work wonderfully) and then the flavors can soak in before breakfast the next morning! I'm a rebel and like to add a little half n' half to my oats in the morning to make them extra creamy. Extra calories, sure, but I like the texture!
    Amy @ http://www.livinglifetruth.com/

    1. Hi Amy! I am currently attending NDSU in Fargo. I am running the Fargo Mini Marathon here in a few weeks and I would like to run some event of the Fargo Marathon in the spring!
