Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Vacation from Running

"Wait, Katelynn! Don't you mean running vacation?" you might say. 

No, no. I am talking about a vacation from running. Some describe it as a "break." But to me, a "break" is the time before quitting something forever. I am not quitting running forever, I am merely on a vacation from it. 


a period of suspension of work, study, or other activity, usually used for rest,   recreation, or travel; recess or holiday:                            - Dictionary.com

A vacation is a much better word to describe this period. Everyone needs to take a vacation from running every now and again. Over-training and burnout happen all too quickly and even quicker with extra life stress (talking about you college). 

Here is why I am taking a vacation and if these sound familiar, you should take one too! We can go on vacation together!


I did a bad thing and ran two half marathons on a foot with plantar fasciitis. Initially I just thought I was sore from running on a sandy road, but the pain persisted. I probably should have started my vacation earlier after the Bismarck Marathon, but my stubborn personality had me squeeze in one more half after. Now I am taking time to heal my foot properly without undoing my rehab by going for a run. Injury and chronic soreness (probably an injury itself) take time to heal. If something hurts every morning or during/after every run, it is a good idea to take a vacation and see your doctor. 


Refusing to run on cement and in the cold left the wellness center as my only option. I was just bored of running on the treadmill. I couldn't focus on reading and even got bored watching Netflix on it. Running became a chore that I no longer wanted to do. My brain and body were rejecting it. Why force yourself to do something that you don't enjoy. 

Ability to try new things

Being so bored of running, I needed to find another form of exercise; anyone close to me knows how I get when I don't get some cardio. With a vacation from running, I feel like I have the freedom to do other workouts without worrying about being too sore to run. The wellness center on campus has so many group exercise classes and I have only tried spin - that's sad. Now I can try whatever I want! 

Notice that new badge to the right? Yeah that's right. Your rural running girl is now a Sweat Pink Ambassador. I already feel so welcomed into the community and I can't wait to network more!

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. Mine was unexpectedly really great. I spent Friday night with my girl Tate. We carved pumpkins. I love her.

I spent Saturday and Sunday with my brother, Luke, and sister-in-law, Amanda. They were in town for Nitro Circus. I missed them. It was good to just hang out with them. 

Sunday night I had supper with my Aunt and Uncle on their way back from the Cities. I missed them too.  

I started this week with a very full heart. I am excited to go home this weekend and see the rest of my family!

What do you do on your vacation from running or working out?
How do you switch up your routine to avoid injury and burnout? 

Monday, October 19, 2015

Fargo Mini Marathon

I thought the Bismarck Marathon was going to be my last half marathon for the year, but I had to fit in just one more. Luckily I now live in a town with races often and the Fargo Mini Marathon was so convenient that I signed up just a few days after the Bismarck Half. 

The Bismarck Half was such a good race for me that I knew I probably wasn't going to PR in Fargo, especially since I wasn't training at a high intensity. I used a run/walk strategy again, but my time was a little slower.

The didn't like that there were not bags at the packet pick up. I would've looked around at the little expo if my hands weren't full since I picked up Kensley's bib and shirt too. They did give out those heat/ice packs with the little ball things inside, so I was pretty excited about that. 

Pre-race was crowded and the line up was messy, but I suppose that is hard to organize inside. The course was okay. I don't like running head to head, because it just reminds me how many people are ahead of me and how few behind me, haha. The course also seemed like a lot of cement and my legs definitely felt it. 

"The uphills are a lot harder than the downhills" - Kensley

There was an opportunity for a double race. Whatever distance and then a 5k after. Kensley was so excited about finishing the half in Bismarck with me and wanted to "do the whole thing next time" so we arranged that she'd do the 5k after the half with me. She did absolutely great and outran me at times. We started 5 minutes late and still were not last! She got her very own medal and I really hope she grows up being a runner.

Have you seen a happier 5 yr old at 6 am?!
The medals were pretty neat; a wooden pendant in the shape of a leaf. Perfect for a fall race.

My mom brought Kensley and we got to have a fun girls' weekend.

LOL fail - mine ended up being a youth size

bedtime stories
shopped 'til we dropped (didn't take long)
 I was sad to go back to class today after such a fun weekend. I miss them both already. Visit again soon!

Have you ever done a double race?
What about sleeping in a twin size bed with a 5 year old?

Thanks for reading!


Monday, October 12, 2015

How to Create a Vision Board

Some have a motivation board that when they look at it, it reminds them their fitness and health goals. I have something similar and I'm going to share some tips on how to create one for yourself!

Instead of a purely fitness or running orientated board, mine is a vision for my future. It encompasses goals from my academic life as well as my running and personal life. When I look at my board, I am reminded of how far I have come and what I have yet to accomplish.

Here's how to create your own:

Find a space you see daily

I didn't have many options as where to put mine in my dorm, but I am at my desk often and I can see it every time I walk in. A wall in a home office, inside the bathroom door, or even in the garage are all good options. Put it wherever you will see it often, but maybe somewhere somewhat private so it is still special to you personally. Mine at home was in my workout room right next to my beloved treadmill, that I am missing dearly while away (don't tell the Wellness Center treadmills that though ;) ). 

Separate it from the rest of the wall

Taping quotes and pictures to a wall randomly can get messy. Create a boarder (see what I did there?). At home I had a large chalkboard wall sticker. I didn't know how that'd fare on a dorm wall and I'll only be here for 7 more months, so I went with some gold washi tape. A hanging cork board would work too! 

Find what inspires and motivates you

What gets you to make sh*t happen? Is it a medal from a past race, a quote, a picture of loved ones? Find whatever inspires you in tangible form and can be taped to a wall, then put it on your vision board! Mine right now (forever growing) includes:
  • "wanderlust" art to remind me that the world is mine to explore
  • a calendar  for obvious purposes
  • NDSU graduation tassel that we were given the first week of school to remind me that I will get my degree in 3 years here
  • a wolf and lion that I doodled to remind me to be aggressive and take what I deserve (only rightfully of course) 
  • two little quotes to remind me that I have terrible handwriting the tools I need to crush my goals
  • a letter from mom from the first week of school to remind me of the love I have supporting me
  • medal and bib from my most recent half marathon (not for long - 5 days until Fargo Mini!) to remind me that I have accomplished goals I once thought I could not
  • a running quote to remind me to run? haha
  • a name tag with my major to remind me that I'm going to have a great and successful career

What inspires you for your education/career?
What motivates you to live a healthy life?

Thanks for reading!


Sunday, October 4, 2015

Time Management

College is busy. College is stressful. College is hectic. College makes me want to stay under my blankets in my footy pajamas until the magical homework fairies finish my assignments and take all of my tests; sometimes. 

But how do I stay on top of my never ending to-do list without having a mental breakdown every day?

Time Management!

I imagine time management as a super hero dressed in a suit that constantly nags you until you make efficient use of your time. Too bad that super hero doesn't exist. The only one that can keep you on top of things is yourself.

In my Business 189 freshman class (2 credits short of bypassing it) we had to fill out an excel sheet for an entire week of our time. We had to plan for every 15 minute period, then we tracked it. I pretty much stayed with my original schedule. It was ironic that I wasted time trying to remember and tracking what I did. Oh well. All in all it was a good reminder of effective time management. 

After six weeks in college here is what I have found works the best to keep from falling behind:


I am a lister. That's not a word, but I just made it one. Lists keep me on task and prioritized. Making a list every night before bed makes it clearer for what needs to be done tomorrow and by what time. Adding specific details, like office hours of a professor, to the task saves time when the task needs to be done. I put the most important items at the top and work my way down throughout the day. At the end of the day, if something doesn't get crossed off I add it to the list for the next day. 


I am a very visual person. I like to see things written out. A planner is a great way to keep events and daily tasks organized. Adding details into a planner saves time in the long run as well. Along with a portable planner, a large monthly calendar is useful. There are many creative ideas for creating your own monthly calendar, but I prefer to have a paper one so I can write in future months. 

Set a Timer

If I am struggling to study or do homework by aimlessly scrolling through social media, I set a timer on my phone (10-20 minutes) and put it on the other side of the room (let's be real that's only like 5 feet in my dorm, but still) and work on that task until the time is up. Another thing I have been doing recently with my phone is charging it on my desk at night. It keeps me from spending too much time on it before bed and once my alarm goes off, I am physically up. 

Allow for Down Time

No one can work 24/7. We all need some time for leisure. After 8 pm (unless I'm extremely behind) I am done with all homework and studying. That is my time to just chill out, watch Netflix, read a book, or aimlessly scroll scroll social media if I really want. It not only gives me something to look forward and work towards, but it allows my brain to shut off for awhile. I think it's important to have some time free of all commitments and stress. 

Those are my tips for efficient time management. 

I don't like to waste time because time cannot be retrieved. I had some great quality time with Grant this weekend. It was the first time he was able to visit me in Fargo. Is harvest done yet? ha ha the struggle. We celebrated our 4 year anniversary which is on Thursday the 8th. We ate good food, went to a funny movie (The Intern), and just enjoyed time spent together. Please still love me Grant, after I publish this with the picture below!

"mmmm, donuts" - Homer Simpson
What are your tips for time management? What do you like to do in your downtime?
