Saturday, April 1, 2017

Staying Healthy in College

College is great. You get to make new friends, explore new ideas, and try new lifestyles. However, it is not a cakewalk. Going to class, studying, meeting for group projects, working part time, and participating in social activities can leave you exhausted and feeling like the gym is for crazy people and microwavable food is the only meal you can fit into your schedule. 

I am here to tell you that that doesn't have to be the case. In fact, eating healthy and exercise will make the other aspects of college easier. It only takes a little planning. 

Start a Workout Routine

If you were like me in high school, you were able to rely on sports to keep you in shape. It is hard to get yourself to workout when it is no longer a "fun" activity. But that is exactly the misconception that deters people from the gym. Find a form of exercise that you do find fun. We are really blessed at NDSU to have a wellness center that offers so many different activities, from paddle board yoga to zumba to intramural sports, there is something to spark an interest in everyone. It may take a little time to find what you truly enjoy and that activity can change over time, but just find something to keep yourself active on a regular basis. You will soon feel a boost in your energy and mood.

Stop Eating like Crap

Eat like crap, feel like crap. Food is fuel and if you fuel yourself poorly the consequences will be noticeable. Our body needs proper nutrition to perform it's best. I will go more in depth in future posts on how to prepare healthy food, grocery shopping on a budget, and yummy recipes. For a quick summary; try to fill half your plate with veggies, eat whole grains, and include lean protein in every meal. Eat when you are hungry, but learn how to distinguish hunger from thirst which brings me to my next healthy habit. 

Drink Water

I get it, water is plain and boring. But it is so important for keeping a healthy body. About 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated. Dehydration can lead to an abundance of health problems such as constipation and lack of concentration. Find a water bottle you enjoy drinking from and bring it with you everywhere. If plain water is too bland for you add some nuun, flavor drops, or fruit. 

Form Good Sleep Habits

Sleep is crucial. It is often seen as a luxury to get 8-10 hours a night, especially in college. It is seen as bragging rights whoever can get more done on the least amount of sleep. With a little schedule prioritization, you will no longer find yourself needing to stay up until 2am to finish an assignment. There is no shame in going to bed at 10pm, or even earlier, at all. To keep your mind and body working in tip top shape you need to get proficient rest. 

These are broad categories to staying healthy, but when sustained and implemented correctly you will feel so much better in all aspects of life. 

What is your best hack to staying healthy?
Which aspect of health do you think is the most important?


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