Tuesday, December 16, 2014

2014 - A Year of Firsts

Ahhh, December, a time to reflect on the year that is nearing its end.

 In 2014 I watched some good friends graduate, saw my boyfriend, Grant, go off to college, started my senior year of high school, and legally became an adult. A lot of things happened in my life this year, but a lot of things also happened in my fitness journey. I accomplished some feats in 2014 that two or three years ago I never would have dreamed of. 

I ran my first 10k.

Woo-hoo. 6.2 miles. Some people consider that an easy run, but for me it was a big deal. I don't remember the particular reason why I wanted to sign up for it. None of my friends were running it so that wasn't the reason. It was a part of the Fargo Marathon in May. May 10th to be exact. My main goal was just to finish. This was the first real race I had ever ran in, and it was a great experience. I will definitely run another race in the Fargo Marathon.

I ran my first half marathon.

I consider this first a little bit more of an accomplishment. About a week after my 10k in Fargo, I was signed up for a half marathon at the end of August. I spent my entire summer dedicated to training for this half. I would get up at 4:30 on Satudays for my long run, usually done near Grant's cabin at Sakakawea. It took a lot of dedication and self motivation to get up 3 hours after finally falling asleep from watching fireworks on the 4th of July. That hard work paid off when I crossed the finish line at the GoFar Women's Half Marathon in Fargo. When I am struggling to get through a short run, I just remind myself self that I have ran 13.1 miles and 3 shouldn't be a big deal.

Only two firsts this year? The list seemed much longer in my head.. Still, 2014 was a great year for me and I can't wait to accomplish many more things in 2015!

What did you accomplish in 2014? I am eager to hear :)



  1. I ran my first 15K this year and I felt great! Congrats on a great year!

  2. Congrats! You never forget the firsts with running.

    Thanks for linking up with The Fit Dish. Would you mind helping us spread the word and including a link back and mention in your post? Thanks so much!

  3. Congrats on such a great year! I'm currently training for my first half! I'm so scared but pumped at the same time! I think I need to run a 10K soon since I just hit the 6 mile mark a couple days ago. :-) Link up with us again!

    1. Thank you! A half is a fun race! I was pretty scared before mine as well!
